Relocatable Partitioned Allocation

Relocatable Partitioned Allocation :  The  fragmentation  problem is removed  by  relocated  partitioned  scheme.  The blocks (jobs) already in the main memory can be  relocated to  make  a  hole (region) large enough for  incoming  information  the relocation  of the blocks already stored in the main memory  accomplished  by  a technics called "compaction". The blocks currently  in  the main  memory  combined  into a single block placed at one  end  of  the memory this creates a single available region of maximum possible  size at  other  end. The blocks can be relocated efficiently with  a  special hard  ware facility for this purpose relocation register  issued  whose contents  are  automatically added to every address. This  register  is used to reference memory after each compaction incoming blocks assigned to  the available region of the memory when a new block is assigned  in the available region compaction is again carried out. 

Advantages :

1) It removes fragmentation problem.

Dis-advantages :

1) When a job ends the system may have to relocate all other jobs in order to re-compact.
            2) There is still a small amount of memory is wasted.

Paged Memory Allocation :  Paging  is another solution for the fragmentation  problem.  In
this  each jobs address space divided into equal pieces  called  Pages. The memory is also divided into pieces of same size called Page  Frames with  the help of suitable hard ware mapping facility, any page can  be placed  into any Page Frame. The pages remain logically continuous  but the corresponding Page Frames are not necessary continuous.

There  is a seperate register for each Job called Page  Map  Table these registers may be special hard ware registers or reserved  section of the micro memory. If the page size is too large, it becomes a  relocatable  partitioned  memory. If the page size is too small  many  page
registers (PMT'S) are required which increases the cost of the computer systems. The paged memory allocation is shown in figure. In  the next example address space of job1 is divided  into  two pages.  Job2 is divided into three pages and Job3 consist of  only  one page we are assuming each page size is 1000 B there is a page map table for  each Job which consists of page. Number and the location  of  that page in memory , there is mapping that takes place with each address i.e.., each  address  in the Job 's address space can be transferred  into  an address in the physical memory.

In the above example a Job may not be a multiple of 1000 B long. Then a portion of last page of that Job will be wasted. This is called Internal fragmentation.

Advantages :

1.  It solves the fragmentation problem without physically moving  the pages in memory.
 2. This allows a higher degree of multiprogramming.
3. The compaction in relocatable partitioned allocation is elimated.

Dis-Advantages :

1.  Page address mapping hardware increase the cost of  the  computer system.
2. Extra core or extra registers needed for page map tables.
3. There is a possibility of internal fragmentation (or) page breakage may occur.
4.  Some  memory will still unused if the number  of  available  page frames are not sufficient for the Job's page.


Monday, 1 October 2012

Relocatable Partitioned Allocation

Relocatable Partitioned Allocation :  The  fragmentation  problem is removed  by  relocated  partitioned  scheme.  The blocks (jobs) already in the main memory can be  relocated to  make  a  hole (region) large enough for  incoming  information  the relocation  of the blocks already stored in the main memory  accomplished  by  a technics called "compaction". The blocks currently  in  the main  memory  combined  into a single block placed at one  end  of  the memory this creates a single available region of maximum possible  size at  other  end. The blocks can be relocated efficiently with  a  special hard  ware facility for this purpose relocation register  issued  whose contents  are  automatically added to every address. This  register  is used to reference memory after each compaction incoming blocks assigned to  the available region of the memory when a new block is assigned  in the available region compaction is again carried out. 

Advantages :

1) It removes fragmentation problem.

Dis-advantages :

1) When a job ends the system may have to relocate all other jobs in order to re-compact.
            2) There is still a small amount of memory is wasted.

Paged Memory Allocation :  Paging  is another solution for the fragmentation  problem.  In
this  each jobs address space divided into equal pieces  called  Pages. The memory is also divided into pieces of same size called Page  Frames with  the help of suitable hard ware mapping facility, any page can  be placed  into any Page Frame. The pages remain logically continuous  but the corresponding Page Frames are not necessary continuous.

There  is a seperate register for each Job called Page  Map  Table these registers may be special hard ware registers or reserved  section of the micro memory. If the page size is too large, it becomes a  relocatable  partitioned  memory. If the page size is too small  many  page
registers (PMT'S) are required which increases the cost of the computer systems. The paged memory allocation is shown in figure. In  the next example address space of job1 is divided  into  two pages.  Job2 is divided into three pages and Job3 consist of  only  one page we are assuming each page size is 1000 B there is a page map table for  each Job which consists of page. Number and the location  of  that page in memory , there is mapping that takes place with each address i.e.., each  address  in the Job 's address space can be transferred  into  an address in the physical memory.

In the above example a Job may not be a multiple of 1000 B long. Then a portion of last page of that Job will be wasted. This is called Internal fragmentation.

Advantages :

1.  It solves the fragmentation problem without physically moving  the pages in memory.
 2. This allows a higher degree of multiprogramming.
3. The compaction in relocatable partitioned allocation is elimated.

Dis-Advantages :

1.  Page address mapping hardware increase the cost of  the  computer system.
2. Extra core or extra registers needed for page map tables.
3. There is a possibility of internal fragmentation (or) page breakage may occur.
4.  Some  memory will still unused if the number  of  available  page frames are not sufficient for the Job's page.